Meetup at ESL offices riak_core vs partisan
Bryan Hunt
7 years ago
Meetup event at ESL London offices tomorrow (Wednesday) evening

https://www.meetup.com/riak-london/events/246719322/ <https://www.meetup.com/riak-london/events/246719322/>

Mariano Guerra is in London for his talk on building distributed applications: riak_core vs partisan.

Mariano will explore the similarities and differences between riak_core and partisan, and what they have in common.

In addition, Mariano will be taking us through the process of building a basic app using both plumtree for gossip and hyparview for peer membership.

Enjoy !
Bryan Hunt
7 years ago
It will be - the talks are posted under Erlang Solutions channel <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrD_GYN3iDpG_uMmADPzJQ> on YouTube - I’ll post the link afterward.
